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Unclaimed - Fall of Mankind

The unclaimed story consists of 2 222 inscriptions. The number of 2 222 reflects rarity and is reflecting an Angel number..

Angel Number

What is the meaning of nr 2 222?

Be patient & keep working toward your goal.

The story is that seeing repeating twos indicates you need to choose a path and stick to it, making slow, steady progress. "This is a number of patience and pacing while working toward a big goal or manifestation."

This angel number is urging you to get all your ducks in a row and keep at it. "It's like knowing you want to get to Denver, and while you're not there yet, you've checked your map and know you're on the right highway, so you can sit back and commit calmly to the journey." 

It is a great reflection of the story of Unclaimed.

Unclaimed is building the gaming features on Bitmap 637863. Bitmap 637863 consists of 356 parcels. For every Tournament on Unclaimed a Parcel will be assigned. The winner of the Tournament will receive the specific Tournament Parcel as a lasting Medal for the winner of the Tournamnent.

Parcel 87 - Tournament - Dust

As soon as the technology allows the individual Parcels inscription with embedded text. Unclaimed will start organizing tournaments for Ordinal Holders. 

Every Tournament has its own parcel and upon finishing the tournament, the related Parcel will be incribed with the name of the tournament, the date and the winner of the tournament. It will then be send to the wallet of the winner as a lasting medal of honor, inscibed on the Bitcoin Blockchain.

For everyone holding an Unclaimed Ordinal free Game Access will be given in the Steam server.

On a regular Base Tournaments will be organized with access for Ordinal holders. The winners will win a parcel of the UC Bitmap to be crowned the king of the parcel.

Every Ordinal is a piece of the story with a number in front of it. If you own two or more neighboring pieces of the story,  you will be able to combine them into one bigger piece. The number in the Ordinal will indicate how many pieces have been combined and with that it will also increase it's rarity and value.

For example combining the two below,

Combining 2 Ordinals into one...

Would result in one new Ordinal:

In practise a mother Ordinal is created out of two Child ordinals.

The side effect of this is that the collection size will be reduced as the Child ordinals will be taken out of the collection.

De facto making Unclaimed a deflationary collection.

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